Monday, March 11, 2013

A light change of pace

So I decided that because most of my actual up-to-date love stories end up on my tumblr, I'll change up the purpose of this blog.
Why not get illegitimate love and relationship advice from the tiny Asian girl with a realm of romance issues and love life dilemmas?  It got me thinking. I'm terrible at following good relationship advice, and I'm even worse at giving it. So I'll give you my relationship advice simply because I think it's a good idea and it will probably be more entertaining than useful at any rate.
Anyway, what are two things I know well? Alcohol and sex.
But for the purpose of this particular blog, I'm going to write a not-so-helpful "what not to do" advisory post.

- I think the number one "what not to do" for any guy or any girl is playing the ex-card.
Anyone who's been in a relationship knows this card. We've all been in this situation, when you're doing something or are in the middle of discussion and somehow you or your partner relates some area of that topic of conversation to an ex. Doing the whole:
"Yeah I dated a guy who did ............."
"Yeah one of my exes used to............"
or the best one yet,
"Why did you do that? That reminds me of this thing my ex used to do, she would......"
I can admit to being an offender of playing the ex-card on multiple occasions. And I'll be honest, after noticing you do it, you'll bite your tongue afterwards and probably wish your bed would eat you alive.
First of all, if you think the other person wants to hear it, they probably don't. Unless they ask you or press you further, don't mention your exes. Ever.
It's bloody annoying to hear.
It's awkward as fuck thereafter.
And if your current partner doesn't want to rip your head off for talking about your multiple exes, then he or she is tolerating you only because you're good in bed.
Face it. YOU don't want to hear the person you like or love talk about someone they used to be with. However, don't feel like a criminal if you're guilty of mentioning an ex every once in a while. I mean, an ex is an ex because you spent enough time getting to know them and equally enough time getting to know what you don't like about them so it's no surprise memories would resurface now and again. They were probably an important part of your life at one point, so why wouldn't they leave you with memories that--every once in a while--become relevant to a topic of conversation, I guess in that case, it isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world sometimes, but it's still an unwanted mention of 'Le Ex'. However, to incessantly drag on about this ex and that ex, especially if they're still a part of your life and still keep in touch with you every once in a while, I can guarantee that the relationship you're currently in will end VERY quickly.

- I don't give a fuck if you're drunk or sober or intoxicated in any way; if you are with a group of friends and your boyfriend is among them, DO NOT put him down like he's a piece of shit, for whatever reason. My biggest pet peeve is when I'm hanging out in a group and among us is a couple, and the boyfriend says something or does something, then the girlfriend proceeds to make some obnoxious retort that she probably thinks as being cute with sinister intent and now she looks like an annoying gremlin bitch who treats her boyfriend like shit.
Ladies, it's NOT cute.
When I'm with a guy, I'm usually happy, otherwise, why the fuck would I be with him? Nothing makes me happier than knowing that we can hang out with a group of friends, whether they're my friends or his, and we can get along well with everyone.
On the other hand, there are those girls that will turn to her boyfriend and go. "what the fuck? No, stop talking, idiot."
or "Just shut up, no one wants to listen to that story."
or "You don't know what you're talking about, oh my god, you are so dumb."
Why do you need to do that? What merit is there in making your boyfriend look like a douche or a dumbass? I mean I don't know too much about what's right or wrong in relationships, but I do know that no one wants to show the world that they treat their boyfriend like shit. And why would you want people to believe that your boyfriend is a piece of shit anyway? I don't get it. I really and truly don't. I looove it when other people can see the best parts of the guy I'm with. It reflects a good image on his character and a good image on my judge of character. If you're NOT embracing his good side when you're out with friends, then what the hell are you doing with him? Case and point.